Mission Outreach
Mission Outreach and Opportunity
We have opportunities to serve in a number of local missions and beyond our community, missions and opportunities to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
Agape Cafe
Indoor seat seating is closed at this time but you can pick up a meal in the parking lot a take it to go at 4:30-5:30 pm. (note the change in time due to it getting dark early)
Agape Cafe is a free 3-course dinner offered to the surrounding community every Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. Its intent is to help people in all circumstances to become aware of God’s great, unconditional love for every person.
The dining room is in Lamson Hall on the lower level of the building, and we are handicap accessible. Doors open at 4 p.m. for coffee, tea, cribbage, and conversation followed by dinner at 5 p.m. Guests may choose a seat anywhere. Servers will greet and offer beverages as well as present the evening’s menu. Because this is meant to be a pleasant dinner out, guests will be served each course.
The atmosphere is much like a big family gathering with lots of laughter, hugging, and sharing. Dinners usually consist of fruit cup or homemade soup, or fresh salad, followed by a homecooked hearty main course, freshly baked bread, and dessert. Most of the time we are able to accommodate a variety of dietary needs.
So come find out if Agape Cafe is for you – and bring friends and family. Hope to see you soon!

Join us for this free meal, open to all in the community, every Thursday evening. Doors open at 4 pm for fellowship, dinner is at 5 pm. There is a chair for you!

Down East Maine Missions - Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Imagine giving up a week’s vacation to work hard, get dirty, and do what it takes to help those who are unable to help themselves… Each year a group of folks from First United Methodist Church of Hudson and beyond come together and travel to Down East Maine. They go with a deep commitment to help others and with their skills (OR their readiness to learn some new ones) and their power tools, make a real difference in people’s lives.
Last summer we replaced two roofs, built two decks, installed siding, and painted a house! All for the sake of God’s kingdom!
Each summer, a Mission Team travels to Down East Maine. Washington County is the poorest county in all of New England. This team of about 15 adults and 14 youth work together with homeowners to help in making their homes safer, drier, and warmer. We help with repairing roofs, building stairs, decks, and handicap access ramps, as well as paint homes, or whatever falls within our skillset. We are all blessed to be a blessing…
We believe in the importance of giving to others. Matthew 25:35-40 reminds us to be attentive to those in need and the marginalized. We are greatly blessed to give and believe that St. Frances of Assisi was correct: “it is in giving that we receive.”
Each month we offer the opportunity to give to various organizations, local and international.
Bridges to Malawi

Our own Dr. Brian Lisse administers this important non-profit organization. Brian has spent over 10 years traveling to Malawi, a poverty-stricken country located in southeast Africa. He established the nonprofit organization Bridges to Malawi with a mission to help the lives of those less fortunate who are suffering from sickness, disease, and famine. Brian, along with a group of medical students and other healthcare providers, make an annual trip to Malawi. There, they provide medical care and medical knowledge to improve the health and well-being of the Malawi community. The organization and its team have helped to fight malnutrition and famine, increase family incomes, and protect the people of Malawi from malaria.